Thursday, January 7, 2010

Final Prisoner Piece

The last piece of my four-part epic about AMC’s The Prisoner is available for your reading pleasure at what will eventually become The Usual Place. Another way of looking at this is, whether you like it or not, you can find another Prisoner piece on the Ruin Your Eyes website.

Sadly, the only people who I know have watched the thing are my wife, my son, and me. Somebody out there must have seen it, or could. And then that somebody could leave comments here! Yay!

Indeed, I know a certain blogger who devotes at least as much time to watching TV as I do. I wonder if we’ll ever find out what he or she has to say about The Prisoner, old or new....

(By the way, if it’s any incentive, this last Prisoner piece is a short one.)

1 comment:

  1. I've kept quiet because I didn't watch the remake, so I don't have anything useful to say. But I will add this: if Battlestar Galactica taught us anything, it's that the best remakes come from crappy originals, because there is so much room for improvement. The Prisoner was already just fine ... didn't feel the need to watch a different version.
